The new Cloister Group is dedicated to replicating, chandelier by chandelier, Tiffany lamp by Tiffany lamp, antique by antique, the elegant setting of its former place in history including the restoration of the glass greenhouse with its running water and the magnificent garden room with its crystal chandeliers and glass atrium.
Some of Buffalo’s best and well-known antique collectors, dealers and historic preservationists have been enlisted in recreating The Cloister from its hard wood planked floors to the beach mannequin swinging above the magnificent bar room.
Local reaction from Western New Yorkers always seem to be the same:
"I can’t believe that you are going to undertake to re-create the Cloister Restaurant.
Our memory of the Cloister Restaurant is filled with happiness and good times and we simply want to say – thank you, but please do it right."
The Cloister Group is dedicated and committed to this project and pledges to “do it right.”
The Cloister Restaurant will be the most comprehensive “Business Model” involving an independent restaurant in the Western New York area in the last 25 years. The basic model will not be the result of guesstimates or estimates, but will be based on information, research and experience of The Cloister Group members.
The major challenge in the Buffalo restaurant models for the month of February and August are no different from the challenges faced in Las Vegas from the year in June and July in the desert. While the refinement of the business model will take several months – maybe years – it is only through constant evaluation, modification and innovation that will result in the Cloister Restaurant becoming a true “destination.”
We are searching for the right group of investors to join in our vision for returning one of Buffalo’s most loved landmarks to the region. We are looking for forward-thinking individuals who believe in our vision for the future and want to be a part of the most exciting project to be undertaken in the revitalization of our great city and the entire Western New York community.